Category Archives: Other Stuff

The Most Important Thing For Following Jesus

Why would thousands of people sit in 100 degree weather for hours in stadium seats in Tuscaloosa, Alabama?

Why would a mother gladly change multiple diapers per day and sort of enjoy it?


Those fans love the game. That mother loves that baby.

Following Jesus means doing difficult things. There’s only one way to do it –

Love the Lord your God with everything you’ve got. And love others like they were your own self.

For too long, I tried to follow Jesus mostly with my head. But, Jesus said to love him not just with your mind, but also with your strength, with your very being. It has to be a heart and gut sort of thing. Not just a words and thought sort of thing. Down deep in your heart, when think you’re all alone – what do you really want? What are your desires and goals? What are you really working for?

If you read the Psalms, you get a peak into a man’s heart. David has some bad times. He wandered away from God, but he came back. And, he wrote the outpouring of his heart, and his heart really wanted something. He wanted to know God and have his blessing. He wanted to build God’s kingdom. He loved God.

When you read the Psalms, can you identify with that longing, that deep down desire for God? Does your soul want to build his kingdom, accomplish his purposes….or is it more about building your own kingdom…accomplishing your purposes?

When Jesus faced the cross, he said to his Father, “not my will, but yours be done.” He said the same thing all of his life. I’m here to do the Father’s will. I’m here to do his work and accomplish his mission.

Now, why would you do that?

Because you love him. You love him like an Alabama football fan sitting in 100 degree weather. You love him like a new mother loves her baby and would do anything for that baby. You love him like David who bled out his heart for God in the Psalms. And, you love like Jesus, who loved us to the end, and then rose to love some more.

I want to love like that. Don’t you? That’s how you follow Jesus.

Why would I want to follow Jesus?

Why would anyone follow Jesus? Haven’t they heard there is a cross involved? I mean, we’re talking suffering and death. We’re talking forsaking pleasures. We’re talking sacrifice. Why in the world would you want to do that?

Why? Because…

ONE – it’s true.

The thing is, there really was a man named Jesus who lived and died about 2,000 years ago. The question is – did he rise from the dead? Followers of Christ are willing to sacrifice for this fundamental reason: God raised Jesus from the dead. Now, it’s up to you. You have to decide if you believe. Consider the evidence. Prove what is true. Read the gospels and see if they are true. Then, if they are true, you have to consider…

TWO – it’s totally worth it.

Imagine if you will someone who is running against the wind. It may be fun, and it may be exciting, but wouldn’t running by much better if you ran with the wind? God is who made this world and who holds it together. Wouldn’t it be better to live in the power of his Spirit instead of fighting against it all your life? Wouldn’t that give you love, joy, and peace? Sure, it might mean suffering and sacrifice and even a cross, but if the suffering is temporary and the reward is forever, wouldn’t it just make sense? And, what if even in the suffering you are able to drink of the water that your spirit needs and breath the fresh air that your soul needs to really be alive? Wouldn’t that make it all worth it?

THREE – We love him because he first loved us.

We love him because he first loved us. If Jesus loved you enough to live and die for you, doesn’t it make sense that you’d want to know him and be friends with him and live with him and do what you could for him? Wouldn’t you want to be around his people and serve in his kingdom? If you’re choosing a leader to follow and a friend to have, there could be not a better.

I’m sure there’s more reasons to follow Jesus, and if you’d like to share them, please do so!

Spirit: A Look in the Face

You pass an older, African American woman as you’re headed into the grocery store. She’s different from you. Different background, different clothes, and she walks kind of slow. What do you see? Do you see someone who could be like family to you, the great-aunt you love so much?

And, the young woman that is working as a cashier, looking sort of tired, and not as responsive as you’d like…do you see see someone who could be your family, the cousin that you have loved since she was just a baby?

When you run into the man outside the grocery store, who is sitting there on a bench in the hot Southern sun, with a two day old shave, and the clothes he’s undoubtedly been wearing for a few days… what do you see? Do you just see a beggar in your way, or a man that could be a good friend, a brother?

Here is a big mark of the Holy Spirit in your life: Do you recognize the image of God? He’s there in the midst of everyday life. He’s there in the faces of the people you meet. Do you see it?

In the gospels, the demons recognized Jesus for who he was. They knew he was the Son of God. Now, if the devils recognized Jesus, don’t you think the Spirit of God would recognize the image of God? If you are a Jesus follower, then you are told that you have the Spirit of God in you. And, when you are in tune with the Spirit of God, you’ll recognize something very special: Every single person has something of God in them.

So, it changes how you see people. You don’t see people as things to be used, but as marvelous, unimaginable glimpses into the very essence of God. His image. His representation. His likeness.

Genesis 1:26.

What If I Don’t Like Church?

I know people who believe in Jesus but aren’t plugged in to a local church.  They’re just not into it.

They like Jesus, but not church.

I love the church, and it bothers me that people would like Christ…but not the body of Christ.  Don’t the two go together?

Well, what if that’s the problem.  What if the church has become something other than what God intended it to be?  What if it has morphed into a something very different than how it started out.

Well, what if they could go back and see it in its infancy?  What if they could see it as it started out, and see what God intended for it to be?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could show them that?

Well, it turns out you can.


Luke was a doctor who wrote…wait for it…the Gospel of…Luke.  But, he also wrote a book we know as the Acts of the Apostles, or Acts for short.  It turns out these are really one big book.  Acts picks up where Luke stops.  Luke is about the life of Jesus.  Acts is about the  early church.  When you read these two books together, a pattern emerges:

What Jesus does, the early church does.

Jesus fed the poor.  The early church fed the poor.

Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God.  The early church proclaimed the kingdom.

And, on and on we could go.

The early church mirrored the life of Jesus.  His life formed their life, personally and communally.

So much so, that outsiders even called them by his name…they called them “Christ followers” or “Christians.”

So, here’s the challenge:

Go back and read the Acts of the Apostles (right after you’ve finished with Luke).  And, then ask yourself…what was this group called “The Way” all about?

Did they carry out Jesus’ mission of love and compassion?

Did they embody his message of resurrection and new life?

Did they bring about a revolutionary change in the world?

The Way

So, if you’re reading this and you’re one of those people that isn’t plugged in to a local church, then I’m not here to judge you, but I want to ask you this.  What if you could be a part of revolutionary group like you read about in Acts?  What if you could find a group like that?

Well, then I challenge you to look for that group in your community.  Look for a group that looks like Jesus.

And, if there’s not one…why don’t you form one?

Well, now if you’re reading this and you are a part of a church, then let me challenge you.  Is your church a lot like what you read about in Acts?  Is it a lot like what you read about in Luke?  If not, then I challenge you to look back to the reason we’re doing all of this.  Look back to Jesus, and focus on him.  And, see just how much like him we can become.  Because, guess what…he’s what it’s all about.

How to Win at Sports and Life…White Men Can Jump

I’m going to tell you how to make your week better.  If you read this post, and follow the simple suggestion, you will be more productive at work, home, and play.  You will be more focused, more relaxed, and just better at what you do.  Want to know how?

It start with sports.  What is it they say about white men and basketball?  White men can’t jump.

So, if you take a group of white men and tell them you’re going to give them a test that measures their innate athletics ability, what do you think the results would be?

Now, what if you took a group of white men and told them you’re going to give them a test that measure their sports strategic thinking.  How do you think that might affect the results?

Which group do you think did better?

You guessed it.  It was the one that was told they were measuring their sports strategic thinking.  Why?

The stories we tell ourselves matter.

Here’s something you should tell yourself today:

 I have worth. God loved me so much that he sent his Son to die for me, John 3:16.

I have hope.  God is working all things out together for good for them that love him, Romans 8:28.

I have security.  No one can pluck me out of his hand, John 10.

I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me, Romans 8:37.

So, tell yourself a positive, uplifiting, empowering story of worth, hope, and security this week.   And, you can be more than a conqueror.

Just ask this kid.



Finding God In the Begging Place (I Samuel 1)

When you really want something what should you do?

What about if it seems to take longer than you had thought it would?

What if you were always the good looking one, always the chosen one, and then the one thing you want…seems to elude you?

I can imagine what Hannah was feeling….not because I’m a woman.  Not because I’m in a polygamous situation.  Certainly not because I want to get pregnant (ha).

I’m can imagine it because I’ve had it pretty good.

Hannah probably did too.  She was most likely the first wife of Elkanah.  He had another wife, but he probably only married again in order to have kids.  Hannah was the favored wife (I Samuel 1:5).  She was most likely beautiful, powerful, and had most anything she wanted.  But, there was something she wanted that she didn’t have.  She just wanted a son.  This went on for years.

Have you ever had something you wanted….more than wanted…something you could just give sweat blood and tears for….and you didn’t get it right when you wanted it?  I certainly can relate to that.  I’d like to have a wonderful wife.  I’d like to give back to the world in a way that is much more than what I’m currently doing.  Sometimes I’m tempted to settle.  I’m tempted to give up on the dreams that I have in my heart for good.

How about you?

Is there a good thing you’ve been wanted to do for years…and it just hasn’t panned out?

Is there a dream that you’ve had in your heart.that just won’t go away?

Maybe it’s a book.

Maybe it’s a godly relationship.

Maybe it’s a child.

Maybe it’s a ministry.

And, it just eats at your heart.  You lie down and night and think about it.  You get up and it’s there.   All day long it’s in the back of your mind.

You’re tempted to give up.  You’re tempted to throw in the towel…

Well, let me tell you this…Hannah didn’t.  At a time when others were giving up and giving in…she was getting down…down on her knees in prayer.  She was praying so hard, the man of God thought she was drunk.  Now, let me ask you this…when you feel like giving in…have you ever thought of praying so hard people might think you’re out of control?  Have you ever thought about seeking God so much that people just don’t get it.  Maybe that’s what God is shaping in you right now.  Maybe he wants to give birth to your dream, but it’s going to take going to the begging place.  Maybe it’s going to take getting to the place that your dream isn’t about you…it’s about giving birth to something that you turn over to God.

That’s what Hannah did.  She begged and she prayed…and she wanted that son…but her dream wasn’t just for her…it was about birthing into the world just what God would use to bring about his Plan and his Mission….for you see when she went to her begging place, the man of God heard her, and he said,

“Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.”  I Samuel 1:17.

This woman who couldn’t do anything but pray…she had her burden removed.  She had her dream come true.  And, her sad face turned to joy.  She ate. She went her way…and then she did something that is hard to say…but a joy to write…she gave her son to the Lord.  She gave her dream away.  God gave her her dream…and she gave it back to him.

Her dream was a son…but could she ever imagine what role he would play…in the shaping of the nation…in the anointing of the great King of Israel…and finally in the pathway to the Messiah?  Would she know that he would pave the way for something that you and I are doing today…studying about him…in a book called after his own name?  You can’t imagine what God can do with you when you are willing to do for God, willing to go to the place of prayer…willing to rise from the ashes to serve with impunity and total abandon…willing to go to the begging place.

Are you ready?

Is it time for you to go to the begging place?

Is it time for you to give your dream to God?

He will birth in you a new thing.